Mgr. Kateřina Honzíková česky Katerina studied Special Education in Adults and English at Charles University. She completed a psychotherapeutic training in Satitherapy (Mindfulness-based psychotherapy) and training in Somatic Experiencing training for trauma work. She is a therapist and English translator/teacher, the founder of the projest Trauma Prevention in Syrian Children in Refugee Camps and UNHCR lecturer on migration issues. She is interested in meditation, art therapy, creative writing and fine arts. Telephone number: +420608365205 Email: Tato e-mailová adresa je chráněna před spamboty. Pro její zobrazení musíte mít povolen Javascript. (preferably) Psychotherapy in English: 1500 CZK / 50-minute session Psychotherapy for couples: 2000 CZK / 80-minute session The Artist's Way: 2000 CZK / 80-minute session Cancellation of appointment To cancel or postpone your appointment you need to inform your therapist at least 24 hours ahead. Otherwise, the session will be fully charged. ► The Artist´s Way |